This is what we are going to create.

I have used Paintshop Pro ver 6.02 for my tutorial

but I am confident it will work in more recent versions.


Paintshop Pro download a trial version HERE

My Balloon selections download HERE

Put them into your selections folder.

If you do not have one then open a new folder

and name it 'Selections'

My Balloon extra's download HERE

Put the Gradient into your PSP

Gradients folder.

I have included the 'Fire' tube

should anyone not have it.

Export it to your Tubes folder.

Minimize the two images on your


Remember to Save your work often.

Step 1. Open a new transparent image 400x400

Open a new layer and name it Balloon base.

Load Balloonbase.sel from disk

and flood fill with gradient using these settings.

Click on Images-Effects-Inner Bevel

and use these settings twice.

Deselect Ctrl+D

The settings for the Gradient and Inner Bevel

remain the same throughout.

Step 2. Open a new layer and name it Balloon2.

Load Balloon2.sel from disk.

Floodfill with Gradient, apply same

Inner Bevel twice.

Deselect Ctrl+D

Step 3. Open a new layer and name it Balloon3.

Load Balloon3.sel from disk.

Floodfill with Gradient, apply same

Inner Bevel twice.

Deselect Ctrl+D

Step 4. Open a new layer and name it Balloon4.

Load Balloon4.sel from disk.

Floodfill with Gradient, apply same

Inner Bevel twice.

Deselect Ctrl+D

Step 5. Open a new layer and name it Balloon5.

Load Balloon5.sel from disk.

Floodfill with Gradient, apply same

Inner Bevel twice.

Deselect Ctrl+D

Layer-Merge-Merge Visible.

This would be a good time to SAVE

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Web design by Prestigious Dames 2002